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Month: August 2020
Idefirix is an immunosuppressant that reduces the level of donor specific antibodies, thus enabling transplantation
It is hoped that the vaccine will generate protection not only against SARS-CoV-2, but also against new strains […]
Blenrep is a first-line inhibitor of BCMA, a cell-surface protein that plays a crucial role in the survival […]
FDA pulls J&J’s Invokana boxed warning after reviewing amputation risks—but the sales damage is done
FDA pulls J&J’s Invokana boxed warning after reviewing amputation risks—but the sales damage is done chelfand Thu, 08/27/2020 […]
FDA balks at recalls for 2 tuberculosis meds despite possible carcinogen contamination kblankenship Thu, 08/27/2020 – 11:11
Pfizer could score fast COVID vaccine nod, thanks to Hahn’s promise of October FDA review: analyst arlene.weintraub Thu, […]
Regeneron plots 400 hires to handle increased workload amid COVID-19 cocktail production push kblankenship Thu, 08/27/2020 – 09:22
U.S. Army taps Florida CDMO Ology with $106M work order for COVID-19 shots, therapeutics kblankenship Thu, 08/27/2020 – […]
A new pilot study from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai suggests that COVID-19 is causing […]