Pfizer expects higher COVID-19 vaccine prices and yearly boosters, CFO says. And that means big sales long-term esagonowsky […]
Month: March 2021
Smart speakers, such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, have proven adept at monitoring certain health care issues […]
A new study carried out by a team of laser physicists, molecular biologists and physicians based at LMU […]
bmj;372/mar17_7/n718/FAF1faIvan Alvarado/Reuters/AlamySince the beginning of the year Santiago airport in Chile has been busy distributing millions of covid-19 […]
This is a plasmacytoma of the conjunctiva of a woman in her 50s (fig 1) who reported a […]
Tom Frieden led the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for nearly a decade until 2017. […]
On 9 February, with many patients still in hospital with covid-19 and hundreds of people dying daily, the […]
It’s that time of the year again—when the Workforce Race Equality Standard programme publishes its data.1 And, like […]
Cushing’s Syndrome is rare and severe condition caused by prolonged high levels of cortisol in the blood
Belzutifan is a potential treatment for von Hippel-Lindau disease-associated renal cell carcinoma