For about two months, Alexion has been exploring whether its Soliris—used to treat several rare diseases—might hold promise in treating […]
As the U.S. economic toll from COVID-19 lockdowns continue to mount—with tens of millions out of work and businesses suffering—discussion has […]
As an ex-army surgeon and a military historian, we have previously felt uneasy about healthcare workers being described […]
Incyte’s Pemazyre can now be used to treat the bile duct cancer. The firm has also launched a […]
The agency concluded that the risks of the medicine outweigh its benefits
Frontline workers now eligible for testing will include the police, the fire service, frontline benefits workers and those […]
Study aiming to enrol 3,000 patients via more than 100 GP surgeries
The data is being used by researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of a number of potential treatments
Drugmakers are rushing to supply millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine, a cheap generic in testing as a possible […]